Dr Andrew Scott G7VAV

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CSc 131: Introduction to Computer Architecture

The course covers the basic architecture of a computer, information representation and manipulation using logic gates, controlling computers using microcode, language compilation and interpretation, communication with the outside world: input/output devices and techniques.

At the end of this course, students should have an understanding of the key features and components of computer systems, including low level components such as registers and adders and how these can be controlled through the use of microprogramming techniques. They should also have appropriate skill to work with different logic constructs and number systems, and in particular binary. Students should also understand the relationship between applications software, systems software and hardware.

Recommended Texts
Dale and Lewis
Nell Dale, John Lewis,
Computer Science Illuminated (3rd Edition)
Jones and Bartlett, 8 Nov 2006, Paperback: 672 pages
ISBN:0763741493 ISBN-13:978-0763741495

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Andrew Scott