PDF Calendar
wall planner, month to view, and year to view calendars
Having had loads of fun over the years generating
PostScript files from C programs and Unix Bash scripts,
this was an experiment in understanding and generating
PDF files directly from a C program without resorting
to any of the
tools. You'll need (the free)
Adobe Reader to view
or print the calendar.
It was also interesting to work out the moon phases
and special days such as Easter.
See the
page for more information on this tool.
The following form allows you to create month to view and
year to view calendars or wall planners for printing at
ISO A4 to A0 size.
The calendar can be generated in a variety of colours and
special days, including bank holidays can be added.
Selecting 'Small day numbers' on the Month per page calendar
will give more room for notes. Themed photographs can included
-- more themes will be added soon.
Dimensions of ISO paper sizes can be found by following this
link. If you don't have a
large format printer for printing wall planners, you should
find most high street print shops happy to accept PDF documents
-- taking files on USB memory sticks or the common CF, MMC and
SD cards is normally ok.
© Andrew Scott 2006 -
All Rights Reserved